Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Power of Music

"A cry of hope"

It echoed over the land to stay,
Over the field where the bodies lay,

Every day as the moon fell,
It rose from the tip of the grassy knell,

A skirmish with the day's dark,
A cry of hope a bright spark,

A piercing ray of hope to all,
The weeping mother's whose sons would fall,

The passing of the night would bring,
A day of blood of which they sing,

A hundred thousand heros die,
Another night when women cry,

But as the wailing meets it's height,
The sound erupts piercing the night,

A moment of passing fevor and cheer,
Conquering the day's collection of fear,

It rose from the hill and hung in the air,
Giving life to all listening there,

The day would continue with the battle of foes,
And the evening would echo with the song of woes,

BUt the coming night, brought mournful sounds
Of a traveling bagpiper making his rounds,

The music brings a heartfilling song,
To those whose hearts for hope they long,

Cutting the pain from the bloody day,
It sends the souls to their eternal stay,

THe day brings new thoughts of fight,
But it passes with the dawn of light.


Unknown said...

An interesting and moving poem. Did you write it? I stopped for a visit from BlogCatalog.


Hawk Eye said...

I just found your blog via EntreCard. You should read some of my poetry.
